Thursday, April 3, 2008


Its interesting. . but not riveting. . and basically both men have
been nailed for lying at this point by a Congress critter or two. The
fact that McNamee is sitting just a few feet from Roger at the same
table is interesting and surely .
Edwards makes gains amid shifting
voter preferences.
Kucinich introduction of articles of impeachment
against George Bush imminent on CSPAN (House Session) CSPAN live
online here LET'S BLAST THE MEDIA NOW! Tell them to pay attention and
report this! Mike Pence (R-IN), Judiciary Committee, .

feedburner. com/FreedomUnderFire This is a content summary only. Visit
my website for full links, other content, and more!
CSpan's Washington
Journal had Flynt Leverett on to discuss his latest article in Esquire
Magazine " The Secret History of the Impending War with Iran That the
White House Doesn't Want You to Know". In the years after 9/11, .

Colonel Randall Larsen (USAF Retired) is director of The Institute
for Homeland Security and is co-host of a weekly radio program titled
'Homeland Security: Inside and Out. ' View the CSPAN video.
Randall Larsen (USAF Retired) is director of The Institute for
Homeland Security and is co-host of a weekly radio program titled
'Homeland Security: Inside and Out. ' View the CSPAN video.
So a fake
doctor, a lawyer and a baseball pitcher walk into a bar… So I've been
trying to just get a look at the top 1 plays of the day or some NFL
Live in my free time today, but this Roger Clemens/Brian McNamee
congressional hearing .
Seattle Caller CSpan Full House For Ron Paul
At WA Caucuses.
Edwards makes gains amid shifting voter
Check him out.
Republican McCain remains well ahead of
Huckabee, but still faces some intra-party opposition.
Randall Larsen (USAF Retired) is director of The Institute for
Homeland Security and is co-host of a weekly radio program titled
'Homeland Security: Inside and Out. ' View the CSPAN video.
makes gains amid shifting voter preferences.
Its interesting. . but
not riveting. . and basically both men have been nailed for lying at
this point by a Congress critter or two. The fact that McNamee is
sitting just a few feet from Roger at the same table is interesting
and surely .
We're recording it, but you can stream from C-Span. Sen.
Chris Dodd is coming out to demand that the retroactive immunity be
stripped from the FISA bill, no thanks to Harry Reid. It'sa little
confusing, but from what I gather this is .
Colonel Randall Larsen
(USAF Retired) is director of The Institute for Homeland Security and
is co-host of a weekly radio program titled 'Homeland Security: Inside
and Out. ' View the CSPAN video.
Seattle Caller CSpan Full House For
Ron Paul At WA Caucuses.
Its interesting. . but not riveting. . and
basically both men have been nailed for lying at this point by a
Congress critter or two. The fact that McNamee is sitting just a few
feet from Roger at the same table is interesting and surely .
we know whence he got his temper and candor:. Steve Scully: This is a
political question in terms of how he gets the nomination, but just
from what you have seen, how much support do you think he has among
the base of the .
Today from the White House, Pres. Bush presents the
nation's highest military honor for valor to the family of Lt. Michael
Murphy of Patchogue, New York. This is the first Medal of Honor
awarded for combat in Afghanistan, .
Here is the link. Thank you
DaisyFL for the tip! Ron Paul speaks at 4:3 PM ET. read more.
him out.
Time Warner Cable brought the C-SPAN Campaign 2008 Bus to
Round Rock High School and invited a class of students as live guests
on the national broadcast of Washington Journal. They feed a signal
from the bus back to the program in .
Colonel Randall Larsen (USAF
Retired) is director of The Institute for Homeland Security and is
co-host of a weekly radio program titled 'Homeland Security: Inside
and Out. ' View the CSPAN video.
Ron Paul appeared Friday on CSPAN's
call-in show Washington Journal, taking calls from the audience. As is
usually the case for Washington Journal, there aren't exactly a lot of
substantive questions from the audience (except, perhaps, .
Randall Larsen (USAF Retired) is director of The Institute for
Homeland Security and is co-host of a weekly radio program titled
'Homeland Security: Inside and Out. ' View the CSPAN video.
So a fake
doctor, a lawyer and a baseball pitcher walk into a bar… So I've been
trying to just get a look at the top 1 plays of the day or some NFL
Live in my free time today, but this Roger Clemens/Brian McNamee
congressional hearing .